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Alligator Death Toll Rises

Three Killed So Far In Gator Attacks

Prior to the attacks, Florida had only seen 17 alligator-related deaths reported over the span of 58 years. However, in May of 2006, in one week alone, three people were killed from alligators, giving Florida a span of deaths it has never seen from gators.

Alligator attack in Florida kills Tennessee Woman

Alligator kills woman jogging by Florida canal

Florida marks third deadly alligator attack in less than a week


Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Historic Alligator Bites on Humans in Florida
Last Updated: 10/23/2005

Alligator Bite and Death Statistics

1 Unprovoked bites are defined as bites on human beings by wild alligators, which were not provoked by handling or intentional harassment.

2 Provoked bites are defined as incidents where people were bitten, by wild or captive alligators, while the alligators were being handled, moved, or intentionally harassed.

3 Major bites are those in which the victims’ injuries required medical care, beyond first aid, to treat wounds. This column includes fatal bites.

4 Minor bites are those in which the victims’ injuries were superficial and required no treatment or only first aid.


Razor Gator is not associated with the University of Florida Gators, Gatorade, or RazorGator Ticket Sales.
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