Razor Gator® is the world's first disposable razor cleaning tool.
Razor Gator keeps your disposable razor running smooth no matter where you drive it.
razor gator razor extender extends the life of razors and reduces razor burn and rash


Global Gillette is a business unit of Procter & Gamble. It is the successor of The Gillette Company, which was founded by King Camp Gillette in 1901 as a safety razor manufacturer. It was based in Boston, Massachusetts.

On October 1, 2005, The Gillette Company finalized its purchase by Procter & Gamble. As a result of this merger, the Gillette Company no longer exists. Its last day of market trading - symbol G on the New York Stock Exchange - was September 30, 2005. The merger created the world's largest personal care and household products company.

Before the merger, Gillette had grown to become a leading global supplier of products under a variety of brands. In addition to Gillette, the company marketed under Braun, Duracell and Oral-B, among others.




Razor Gator is not associated with the University of Florida Gators, Gatorade, or RazorGator Ticket Sales.
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