Razor Gator® is the world's first disposable razor cleaning tool.
Razor Gator keeps your disposable razor running smooth no matter where you drive it.
razor gator razor extender extends the life of razors and reduces razor burn and rash
What's In a Name?
What’s in the Razor Gator name?

It’s no accident that Razor Gator—the world’s first cleaning tool—was called “Razor Gator”.

Back in 2003, when Razor Gator was a tiny reptile embryo, we sat down to ponder a name for the little tyke. It’s future as “razor gunk-gobbler” was already predetermined, but it would need a solid name, strong enough to convey its destiny.

With two rows of pointy teeth on its thick head, a stiff green body and a sweeping tail, it was rough and ready. It didn’t stop when it got wet. Born in the swamps of the south, it had below-the-radar stealth. This simple animal was an efficient machine—a tool of nature. It would survive the ages.

Shave Smooth. Razor Gator.


Razor Gator is not associated with the University of Florida Gators, Gatorade, or RazorGator Ticket Sales.
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